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inet TMS is SOC 2-compliant

As a cloud TMS provider, the highest level of information security is always a top priority. The fact that our customers can rely on this is…

Czytaj dalej


inet TMS: Enhanced usability

The inet Transportation Management Solution will showcase a series of user experience improvements that we will offer to our customers within the next…

Czytaj dalej


inet's 2019 Roadmap: user-centric solutions

Rigid roadmaps covering a whole year and Agile do not go together well. In line with a mindset of iteration and flexibility we address four main areas…

Czytaj dalej


Why Implement a TMS Series - Part 1

You probably have heard about TMS solutions and how they are becoming one of the main digitalization tools in the supply chain.

Czytaj dalej


Why Implement a TMS Series - Part 2

We will focus on the benefits of implementing a TMS solution and how it can impact your business for your organization and your supply chain…

Czytaj dalej