inet enhanced usability | Alpega TMS

The inet Transportation Management Solution will showcase a series of user experience improvements that we will offer to our customers within the next months.

Starting with the 18.4 release, the Transportation Management Solution users will be able to enjoy a redesigned user interface (UI) that includes several improvements: e.g a fresh and renewed screens design that keeps similarities with the traditional design for the sake of a smooth transition, and a higher resolution (1280 instead of 1024 pixel) for sharper visualization and better screen space utilization.

This first step into a whole new inet product experience can be rolled out on request and it is not set by default for all our customers. The user experience (UX) changes include:

  • Main menu features various options for settings allowing for faster navigation 
  • Fixed main menu bar
  • Marked mandatory fields to reduce error messages
  • Additional information via mouse-over for certain screens
  • Enhanced expand & collapse functions
  • Better visibility of non-mandatory fields
  • 121 new modern icons with an optimized size

Hands-on testing

The inet Development team approached the enhancement of the UI following a continuous improvement vision, implementing the planned changes step by step. For the first stage a team of more than 8 developers worked approximately 1.625 hours, 211 days, in 217 tasks, to eventually present a beta version to a selected group of key users during our last Customer Dialog event.

Klaus Plaickner, Transportation Management Product Owner, and Rene Grabher, Software Coordinator, explained how the project was conceived and its several implementation steps. After their presentation, the attendees had the chance to test the new UI during a hands-on session. Finally they shared their feedback and impressions with the development team.


Continuous improvements

In future releases, the Container Management users will be also able to switch to the new design, as a further step in a series of gradual UX improvements. In fact, user experience will be one of the focal points of the 2019 development roadmap.

According to Gerfried Aigner, Product Development VP, it is all about user centered development processes: “What is user experience? It is designing a product that is meaningful for the users. It is the result of thinking about why we develop products, i.e. our motivations and values and what are we developing in the sense of features and functionalities. Finally, we have to think of how are we doing this in terms of accessibility and aesthetics. All that leads to a user-centered process resulting in optimized usability”.

Are you ready for a new inet TMS experience? Contact your personal contact person.

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